Sunday, February 06, 2005

Kiddush Clubs, w/o graphics

The OU has decided that “Kiddush clubs” are a great danger to Orthodox Jewry. Apparently there are men who go to shul for social, more than spiritual, reasons. The rabbis were instructed to mention in their sermons that “Kiddush clubs” are to be banned. One minor problem—the members of the “clubs” usually meet during the sermons.

Honestly, I’m not the type to be interested in those clubs, even if women are invited, but as a teacher I look at it differently. If certain students consistently skip certain activities, then maybe there should be some changes. These club members could probably do much better with a “quickie” “Israeli-style” minyan, without a sermon and fancy chazonut. And of course, they should run their short and sweet minyan, and when it’s over, they can meet.

It’s better to have a variety of minyanim than the “Kiddush clubs” and even worse, the absenteeism.

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