Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Kohelet, T'hilim, Ecclesiastes, Psalms, Feb. 1

to remind you that it helps to have a Bible open to follow this

I walked in a couple of minutes late, so I missed the opening

T'hilim 34, 12 l'chu banim, shmu li, go, boys/sons, listen to me
ONe should listen differently, carefully. Most people don't really listen; they just try to make their points or listen for agreement. for what they think, they don't want to learn something new or different.
A few years ago I took a course in "life coaching." We were told to listen to what isn't being said. I forget what they called it. When people complian of problems, quite often they complain of the minor or secondary/terciary problem, not the primary main one.
David tells the "banim" that he wants to teach them what "yir'at Hashem" the fear of G-d really means.

13- one who searches for life-chafetz chaim The words of the song are from here.
Watch your tongue, careful what you say; if you start with a lie it grows and has power; you can't get out of it. becomes afraid of telling the truth. Shortens life to live lies and lie.
ohev yamim, lirot tov Who loves days of seeing good?

continued tomorrow

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