Sunday, May 01, 2005

post Pesach progress

First of all, something very unusual happened today. I didn't hear my alarm and slept and hour later than planned. Maybe it was the etrog liquor after some wine, served at the Mamouna, or however it's spelled. Definitely I must have had experienced a post-sugar crash, considering how much sucrose I ate yesterday.

So now, I'm an hour behind schedule.

Two washes on the line and a third in the machine, last stage of laundering. I'm still in my robe and had my water and two large mugs of perked coffee.

Miraculously my husband and I managed to transfer most everything, though the big table is still Pesach, but it's always the last the become Pesach. I have a very simple system. Our kitchen cabinets have two levels, each two shelves high, and their own doors. I clean the counter underneath, empty one level and transfer what's in that to the clean one; then we put what's on the counter to the empty closet. I've even done it on my own, but it's a real effort, between my lack of upper body strength and my lack of height. But when I was younger I could pull an all nighter when necessary.

We also moved all but the Pesach oven and chametz microwave to and from the attic. We'll need help for that. Since I'm useless for things of such bulk and weight.

And then, as planned, we went to our neighbors for their holiday festival. Their son is a professional drummer and another neighbor is a guitarist singer/composer so the music was great. One of their daughters had invited her students who were whispering in awe "That's Yehuda Glantz!" We had such a mix on nationalities and backgrounds. Morocco, France, Brazil, USA, Israel and more. That's what I love about Shiloh, a true in-gathering of the exiles.

Chag Sameach to all!

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