Tuesday, April 11, 2006

off and...

I must just turn this off, since I overslept, since I went to bed after 4am after changing the dishes to Passover ones with my #1 son and then after he went to bed I covered the kitchen surfaces with "faux granite" contac paper, (though I really wanted cheerful flowers or butterflies like last year, but there weren't any like that in the stores I checked) and aluminum foil on places, since I was afraid I wouldn't have enough to cover the high chair tray, and this is quite a long sentence which probably doesn't make sense to anybody who hasn't done this sort of thing.

So I really better find something safer and more productive for my "breaks." But in the meantime, another reminder to send posts about food, kosher food, to me for the Kosher Cooking Carnival. The fifth, yes, 5th, will G-d willing be posted soon after Passover, so post and send those links in!

And now, off and...

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