Monday, April 17, 2006

The rich get richer, and the poor....

The haves and the have notes are growing further apart according to Walter Kirn, in The New York Times, and I thought that it was just here in Israel. Apparently it's an international force.

As he wrote, a million dollars are not considered much any more; you need a few to get a "nice home." The houses are getting bigger as the families are getting smaller. There are more kitchen appliances, but people eat out more. Even though more money is spent on fitness, obesity is ballooning. Many people have more than one home, but they spend more time traveling and staying in hotels.

We live in a strange new world, but while some people have so much, too much, others are struggling with their minimal expenses, and I'm not talking about upgrading their laptops.

1 comment:

wendy said...

That is so interesting. Thanks for the link.