Saturday, August 26, 2006

Progress report

I've been doing a lot of work on Havel Havelim. It's quite a challenge. I've lost track of how many I've already hosted. This next one should G-d willing be finished within 24 hours, if not sooner.

There's good news and bad news, at least as a host.

First for the good news-- more links are sent to me than in the past. Many are from bloggers whom I don't even know. I don't need to do as much "searching" as in the past. The quantities are overwhelming, and there are a few sources that list Jewish and Israeli blogs "hot off the press."

Now the bad news-- it's really lots more work to organize Havel Havelim, due to the quantity of posts. But for the readers, it's still good news, since there really are some great ones! Believe me! I've read them all.

So keep checking in, from tomorrow morning Israel time.

That means you still have time to get those last posts in, because it's bedtime here in Shiloh.

Shavua Tov

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