Wednesday, June 20, 2007

What a way to start my vacation!

This has happened before. I expect and plan for a "last lesson," and then I discover that we had it already. That means that just before, sometimes the same day, as the "last lesson," I discover that it was canceled. Meaning that we had the last lesson, but we didn't know it at the time.

Yesterday I schlepped a bag full of movies, cassettes and DVDs to show the kiddies, to Jerusalem to the dentist. I had made the appointment early enough, so I'd have enough time to recover and arrive to work on time, even though I didn't have time to go to the pool. Then on the way to the dentist... guess what!

"I have good news for you. You don't have to come to work today. The school year is over."
"So, I schlepped all this for nothing?"
"I guess so. Enjoy yourself."

And then I had a filling changed. That's fun. Isn't it? Honestly, I was surprised. He used some new kind of Novocaine, and it really didn't hurt that much, when he was doing it.

Then I took a bus to downtown Jerusalem, did a few errands and then ran cross-town to catch the bus home. Maybe that wasn't all that good an idea.

By evening, I had an awful headache, and I'm not a headache person. I also had a cold, and my mouth hurt from the dental work.

I went to bed early and managed to sleep. Now, B"H, I feel a bit better, but still stuffed up.

At least I can take it easy.

I'm on vacation!

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