Tuesday, April 15, 2008


For days I've been trying to find someone to help me "flip" the kitchen, move the stuff from closet to closet so it'll be all ready for Passover. I kept saying I wanted to finish that today. So far, no takers, neither for love or for money, but...


Last year we almost used up all the shelving paper, and I had forgotten to remind my husband to buy more. This morning before he went to work I had him take down the paltry remnants. Now, if I find someone to help, it can't be until my husband returns with the paper.

Is Murphy going to rule?

Some good news.
I've been saving crackers and an enormous supply of dried fruit, hoping that the Pre-Pesach Camp would come by collecting goodies. They just did. So if some more kids come, I'll take out the frozen cupcakes and pittot, which I want to get rid of. I already gave a neighbor the frozen batzeik alim, puff pastry dough.

Off to work I go.
Fridge, beware!

It's your turn!!


mother in israel said...

I spent an hour the other day looking for the shelf paper I was sure I had from last year. I had even written it down. Couldn't find it. Finally sent someone out to buy more, but I used it all up already.

Batya said...

My husband gets a big pack of "newsprint" paper some place. There's enough for a few years. One year I couldn't find where we had stored it. I don't know how much it cost. Call me if you want, and I'll find out where he gets it.

mother in israel said...

Actually, last year I started cutting up old plastic tablecloths to line my drawers with. When I finish this will save me a lot of time.