Sunday, May 11, 2008

Yesterday's Sky

Early yesterday morning, before the sun could be seen, the sky was so beautiful. It was a pink I don't remember seeing before. Of course, as it was Shabbat, when it's forbidden to photograph with a camera, I had to use my mind. But I also planned on waking up at the same time today to be able to have it on "digital," not on film anymore, to post and maybe even print on paper.

Chazal, our sages, remind us that it's forbidden to plan on Shabbat for the weekdays. And I guess that's why the sky is so dull, pale grey this morning.

There are so many aspects to the beauty of Shabbat, besides the spiritual and the culinary. The sunrises and sunsets are always most stunning when we must use our minds rather than the camera...

Shavua Tov u'Mevorach
May You Have A Good and Blessed Week!


Leora said...

Ah, it's the creative thought on Shabbat moment when one can't capture it on a camera or paper. I think when your body relaxes, you can sometimes have more creative insights. But they are not always available again the next day.

Batya said...

so true

And G-d tempts us by showing us images we may never reproduce...