Sunday, November 30, 2008

From "War Zone" to Here

This is not a "war zone;" it's a construction zone. Olmert's parting gift to Jerusalem is the lightrail, which has had a heavy impact on the lives of ordinary Jerusalemites and anyone visiting.

Thank G-d I walk in Jerusalem, at least from town to the bus station. It's a lot quicker than taking a bus. Here's the view from Machane Yehuda market.
Well, back to "war zones," take a look at Benji Lovitt's Havel Havelim! It's not your father's edition!
And next week, I'll be the hostess with the mostest of Havel Havelim. I can do it, because Leora is hosting the next Kosher Cooking Carnival. To submit posts to HH, click here, and for KCC, here. Thanks!


Benji Lovitt said...

I think figuring out how to cross the street at Kikar Tzion is roughly as dangerous as a war zone.

Batya said...

Machane Yehuda is worse! I'm loading up a youtube on it.