Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Big Mistake

Last night, just before Law & Order went on, I started working on Thursday's test for the 10th grade.  After the show was over, I went back to it, and somehow I just couldn't stop... until it was complete, including the points.  Very good, since I had promised my students that I'd tell them what to study.  Yes, today I can tell them what will be in the test. 

The only problem is that I went to bed around three.  Yes, 3am.  I feel totally whacked.  This is the second time this week that I didn't sleep enough.  Only a couple of hours.  I can feel the lack.  Today is my longest workday.

Another problem is that there were some technical problems with the photocopying department in the school, and I have to change today's lesson for the 12th grade, since there won't be any photocopies ready.  I wasted so much time planning the lesson.  Now I have to plan something else.

Never dull...

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