Sunday, February 13, 2011

Waking Up to Matisyahu on Letterman

And a good morning to you, too. An fb-plus friend, or friend on more than fb or a f2f-fb friend had it up, and it just seemed perfect to post here to start the day prior to drinking coffee. I'm writing this as I drink Brazilian coffee this morning.  Maybe I should have made something stronger, but the flavor is good.   I wonder if the Turkish has all that much more caffeine...

It doesn't seem possible to get an accurate reading on the amount of caffeine in different types of coffee and preparation methods. So I'll just enjoy. The Brazilian coffee has a very smooth flavor, or maybe I got it just right this morning in terms of how much coffee and sugar to cook up...


Hadassa said...

My husband is of the opinion that Elite Turkish has significantly more caffeine than other Elite products or brands. I haven't tried as much coffee as he has, but I tend to agree with him on this.

Batya said...

Thanks, Hadassa, now I understand why I find American coffee so disappointing. I guess I'll have to bring my Israeli Elite Turkish with me next visit as gifts.