Friday, September 04, 2015

Too Short Pool Season, Sigh...

For me, here in Shiloh, the pool season has come to an end. At 9:30am those of us who had come for "Women's Swimming," females 18 and over, sadly dragged ourselves from the pool.

The pool had been full, mostly with grandmothers, and most of the others who made it for the last of our special sessions, will probably be grandmothers within a decade. As full as it was, we made space for all, and the lifeguard, thank Gd, had nothing to do, not even "direct traffic."

For reasons of modesty, I didn't take any photos of the pool, but following are a series of my walk down, which only takes me about three minutes at most. Of course it takes a few more when I stop to shoot pictures.

G-d willing, next June I'll be back swimming, ok exercising, in the Shiloh Swimming Pool.

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