Friday, August 17, 2018

Precarious Cooking, Kitchen Chaos

Last night I really didn't feel like schlepping the food out to a neighbor for cooking. Being that it was the last really full day of work in the kitchen, every few minutes I was called in for something.

These were good "somethings."

Wall tiles needed my input, and there were other questions the "kitchen guy" had for me. So I couldn't disappear for half an hour or so.

So I decided to see where I could set up the two-burner hotplate I'd been cooking on for almost two years. I managed to find a "safe" surface within read of an electric outlet. The truth is that the place on the laundry room sink was more "precarious" than "safe."

So I cut up an onion, potato, carrots and a nice sized sweet potato. On top of that I placed two pieces of filleted frozen fish. Then I added some oil, covered an placed it on the burner.

Once it began cooking, I lowered the flame a bit and kept checking until the potatoes were soft. White potatoes take longer to cook than sweet potatoes and unlike most other vegetables, they are awful when not totally cooked. Only eggplants, which are a "cousin" to white potatoes need even more cooking.

I'm glad I decided on that fish meal, because it was nice, filling, tasty and so easy to make, even under the difficult conditions we have right now for cooking.

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