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Saturday, June 25, 2005

Hevel Hevalim #26

Sorry about all the foulups. Someday......
If there are any other problem, just let me know....
Your computer clutz

This week’s
Hevel Hevelim is celebrating aliyah. It’s thirty-five years since my husband and I got married and voted with our feet by packing our meager possessions onto the Greek Lines ship, the AnnaMarie. Yes, we came by water, not by air, so this year I’m joining a Nefesh B’Nefesh flight to see how modern olim, immigrants travel.

Let’s start with
Pinchas who is making aliyah!!! That is really great, and we Israeli bloggers all hope to meet you here in Israel.

And before I go any further, I’d like to mention the
survey request from Am Echad. It’s for those who triedhave made aliyah whether they're still here or not.

Now for one of those absolutely Siyata d’shmaya true stories, just now I discovered which Parshat Shavua, Torah Portion of the Week this is,
Shlach, which has the story of the “spies.” Read more about the parsha here.

It’s wonderful to know that there are people who really want to come to Israel. Read of
Celestial Blue’s Israel dreams.

In my pre-aliyah days, as a young Zionist activist in the 1960’s, the Israel Folk Dance Festival was an annual highlight. We danced up a storm in
Carnegie Hall. Are there any other dancers out there blogging?

Besides all the spiritual, historical reasons for wanting and needing to be here, one mustn’t forget that there’s also
great beauty here in Eretz Yisrael. Thanks Fred.

Shmuel Sackett gives a very important and sometimes ignored
reason for making aliyah.

You really must read about Balagan’s
shoes. It’s no joke, and makes me wonder if some “big brothers” will pull out my orange nail-polished nails. And if you want to read about modern civics lessons here in Israel, Mozemen will tell you what her kids learn from classmates.

Mystical Paths gives us an idea of what his life is like in the Shomron.

Cosmic X tells us of an interesting dialogue in Jerusalem.

Rishon Rishon has made up for lost time in a very high IQ post.

As one of the, bli eyin haraa, eldest in my synagogue to walk out for
Yizkor I’m interested in the discussion mentioned on Bloghead .

L’havdil, the opposite type of religious ceremony is the
naming a baby girl, which is discussed by Devarim. My husband named our daughters in shul the first Shabbat after they were born, whether the baby and I were home or still hospitalized, and a small Kiddush was done that very Shabbat. I didn’t know anything about benching gomel. Yes, that was a very long time ago.

Since we’re mentioning females,
Orthomom writes about a great Torah Scholar, yes, a female one.

Pillage Idiot
discusses American anti-semitism
http://pillageidiot.blogspot.com/2005/06/guide-for-perplexed.html. Maybe that's why http://shilohmusings.blogspot.com/2005/06/126-is-usa-really-israels-ally.html and http://shilohmusings.blogspot.com/2005/06/122-american-imperialism.html

I have no doubt that there’s more truth in these blogs, than on CNN. Read what Esther says:
http://outsidetheblogway.blogspot.com/2005/06/anti-israel-bias-thy-name-is-cnn.html. http://outsidetheblogway.blogspot.com/ She gives us some important information. And Nathan http://www.ngng.co.il/ reminds us to be suspicious of nameless sources http://ngng.co.il/archives/001031.html.

Mirty writes of ribbons, not the type for your hair.
Mirty's ribbons

And Soccer Dad writes about Israel should G-d forbid have to do, but I really didn't want to get into politics,
as if I could avoid it.

Politics in Israel isn't so clean; Sha! tells us about
one political party.

According to
Willow Green real life is making a joke come true. I’m sure you’re familiar with the three nationalities joke with the punch line “the Israeli says that we have two months to learn to live under water.”

And whom can we trust?
Israpundit reminds us that the universities have their agendas, which may be the source for the bad analogies that Rachak writes about.

Does anyone really trust
Ms. Rice’s judgment? Read what Michael Freund has to say.

blogus gives some useful bus-traveling instructions.
Yes, many of us travel by bus in Israel, the dilemma and I must admit that I’ve reached the “age” when some people give me their seats, though being middle-aged, I sometimes get up, too.

Treppenwitz writes of dead dreams.

The View From Here offers something very unique, as only American Jews living in Israel can produce.

Shavua Tov to All

PS for information of future hosts check
Soccer DadSoccer Dad (Yes, there's a problem, but the link works! And I'm one of the oldest bloggers in town.)
and this is also cross-posted on me-ander. Oops! Yes, I know this is me-ander; of course I had meant to write Shiloh Musings.


  1. I couldn't figure out what I had that applied (or i would have suggested it), so I clicked on my name and the link didn't work. And neither did several around it. Hate to tell you that. I'm sure you worked really hard on it. :( It's very impressive otherwise!

  2. You did a fabulous job!!!

  3. Thanks. It was a great excuse to spend too much time on the computer. there are some really great Jewish and Israeli blogs out there.


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