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Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Pre-Purim Celebrations

Sorry I didn't take pictures. The ones posted here are from last year in Shiloh.

Kids of all ages were in costumes today to celebrate Purim in school, pre-school etc. In recent years, the kids are given Ta'anit Ester, the Fast (Suffering/Torture) of Esther, as a day off from school.

It used to be that the non-religious schools had their Purim celebrations on the fast day. So when more Torah-Jewish minded people were in charge of education, they made it a day off from school. That's why the kids were all partying today.
Yuli Tamir, the present Minister of Education, is very anti-religious and is severely cutting the budget to religious schools. Yes, this does affect my job. But I'm more worried about my grandchildren's education. G-d willing things will improve.


  1. my grandchildren's education
    Perhaps part of the solution is getting more Haredim involved in politics? After all, they seem to be the ones having the most children.

    I'm just throwing this out there; but it seems like in politics, one needs partners. This more of a question (a "would this work?")from an outsider than a suggestion.

    Nice pics from last year. From many sources, including my current next door neighbor who grew up in Israel, Israel is a great place to be a kid.

  2. Chareidim are very involved in politics, but they take care of their own, and the chareidi education isn't for us.

    I wish there weren't all those adjectives like chareidi, National-religious etc. Why can't we just be Torah Jews and work together?

  3. In a way, maybe then you'll need to look at it from the same perspective as we do here in "Galus", which is he has the most money rules the roost. And not depend on the government for funding education.

    Non-Jews and non-involved Jews are often surprised that we (Jewish Day School parents) pay tuition but don't have a lot of say in our schools. I believe it's because education is expensive, so the big machers get the last say.

  4. It's extra complicated here, since first the govt needs coalition members. Chariedi parties have their demand$ and...


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