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Sunday, March 23, 2008

re: My Father

For those kind enough to ask.

The doctors got the heart BP etc stabilized, and some of my kids managed to speak to him. They say he sounds fine, B"H. I haven't gotten an update from my mother since before Shabbat.

Today should be easier to call. NY already has daylight savings, so my favorite time to call, when I get up, is too late at night now. We change our clocks at the end of this week.

There are pictures of my parents in the banner of this blog. He's shown with his father, they're both in the table picture and my mother is the cute little girl in the picture of children.

Technically it's still Purim here, though no megillah this year. That makes it easy.


  1. I found the card-playing post about your father.

    Refuah Shlayma to him.

  2. Thanks
    G-d should give my mother the strength for this.


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