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Wednesday, April 30, 2008

need more exercise

I really do. Since my knees aren't in great shape, my walking is more restricted and I have to be careful about everything I do. So, obviously, I exercise less though I need more and more. Our local pool won't be open for a while. That means back to Neve Yaakov and schlepping all the stuff and then with all the stuff going to teach and falling asleep when I need to be awake, but if I don't go the the pool I get even weaker...

Thanks for listening.


  1. Would a stationery bike be okay for you to use--this way you don't have to depend on the pool. You could probably get a second hand one that wouldn't be that expensive...

    Swimming is the only exercise I actually enjoy, but its not the most convenient....

  2. Exercise is always a tough one. Personally, I only like it if it's well-disguised as something fun. A stationery bike is not a bad idea though...

  3. baila, ellie, how's the bike for the knees? Don't they take up space? Is it boring?

    And another thing, I like people. The pool has people.

    Isn't there some study that shows that if you imagine yourself exercising it stimulates the muscles?

  4. Swimming is great! Make the effort!
    (sigh, as my neighborhood lost its swimming pool over dumb politics and mis-management...)

    I'm a big fan of yoga. Stretching exercises are also doable anywhere.

    Keep coming up with ideas for exercise! I hate gyms.

  5. I must admit that I don't "really swim." I exercise in the water. Jut about any movement in the water increases strength, flexibility and fitness. No, I don't relax on a raft!

    Walking with a friend is better than chatting over a piece of cake. Also there are some great video/dvd's of aerobics. They, too, can be done with friends. I used to teach an exercise class. We chatted as we worked out. I guess that I really like being with people.


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