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Friday, September 15, 2023

Have a Wonderful Healthy New Year שנה טובה


Here's this year's FRUIT HEAD, my special Rosh Hashanah custom, since my days as a vegetarian. 

Shanah Tovah 5784

שנה טובה תשפ"ד

Monday, September 11, 2023

Summer- Sure Have Been Enjoying The Pool


The local Shiloh Swimming Pool is just a few minutes' walk from my house. This week is the the last of the season. Most of us would love another week, but this has already been the longest season ever. 

Not only do we have "separate swimming" only, but the day begins and ends with 18+ adults only. That makes it a super pleasure. Our pool is very social, at least during Women's hours. No, we don't laze around on lounge chairs. We chat as we exercise in the water. Of course there are some serious swimmers, who are busy swimming laps, but many of us exercise with our heads above water most of the time. I'm going to miss the socializing as well as the water exercise.