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Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Delicious, Munchies, Ariel

For the longest time, I'd been hearing from friends that the best restaurant in nearby Ariel is Munchies. Some of them even say that it's their all time favorite. Finally, this week, I got to eat there when some friends took me out for my birthday, and I must agree.

When we entered Munchies, there was loud music, a bad start. But when I mentioned the problem to the staff who had greeted us, he immediately turned it down, no arguments at all. 

The generous beef hamburgers come with a choice of side dishes. I chose the salad which was really delicious. The waiter brought a variety of dressings and sauces for the hamburger and salad, but I didn't try them. I just asked for olive oil for the salad.

Apparently, they've reduced the menu, since the war, fewer available employees. I found plenty of food to choose from. They have a nice variety of hamburgers and other main courses, plus side dishes and a children's meal.

They offer a featured beer, Shikma שקמה. Since this was my "birthday celebration" how could I refuse to try it? It was a pleasant beer, amber ale, not very strong, but tasty.

As you can see, it's a really lovely salad. I appreciate the dressing was on the side.

Munchies is on Rechov Hamelachah 2, in the old industrial zone not far from the Rami Levi Mall/Shopping Center. Phone 03-9368000. Yes, it's kosher.

Service was wonderful, polite and helpful. They don't have an English version of the menu, one of the things that bothers some of my friends. But the waiter was willing to translate and explain when needed.

Yes, I've joined the Munchies Fan Club!

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Living Without a Car, How Do We Travel?

How do I manage to travel, even though we don't have a car, and public transportation can be rather complicated?

Sometimes it can be very easy, but days like yesterday can be rather complicated. I had to get to my cousin in Hod Hasharon, which in theory shouldn't be all that complicated --our 461 to Ariel and then there are usually many buses from there to the Yarkon Junction.

But the Transportation Ministry has decided that people don't travel on Israeli Independence Day by bus. Most of the buses to Ariel had been canceled, so I took the first one, which came to Shiloh about 10am. For a few stops I was the only passenger on the bus! Then some more came on.

As we arrived in Ariel, I checked on the bus app (efo bus) for buses to Yarkon Junction. They all said "day+" meaning tomorrow. That wasn't very helpful. I didn't want to tremp-- hitchhike.

Suddenly it indicated that an 86 to Petach Tikva would be at Ariel Mall stop in about six minutes. I was a few minutes from there, but if the driver was planning on letting us off at the official last stop, I'd miss the bus.

At times chutzpah is necessary, so I asked the driver to let me off a few hundred meters early, and he agreed, so I easily caught the connecting bus. The next bus was about an hour or more later. Neighbors would be passing by about a half an hour afterwards, so they could have picked me up. I only found out that they'd be traveling in the direction I needed after I had left on the 461.

At Tzomet Yarkon I was picked up by my cousin. The return trip was a bit more complicated... If you want to hear, please let me know.