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Tuesday, December 07, 2004

calories, happy fat eating

this is the oil holiday
celebrating oil
celebrating fat

it's supposed to be
the freedom of religion
freedom of free speech
freedom of choice
the greatest civil rights story ever

but what remains
is the fat
the oil

celebration of frying

last year
and the year before
my husband complained
that he doesn't get his
potato lotkes
fried potato lotkes
lots of fried potato lotkes

this year
home early
I'd be a good wife
and make lotkes

how does one
make lotkes for two?

the table's usually full
ok, the table used to be full
so, never could there be
too much lotkes

my big bowl's usually full
of potato mush, with onion mush,
some eggs and matzah meal

ok, I cheat
no hand grating
all processed

but how can I cook for two?
so I took
a little less, and since
less starch than potatoes best
subbed squash and carrots
for some spuds

bowl half full
just enough for five
but we're two
two who should be

not stuffing ourselves
with yummy fried lotkes
and home made apple sauce
--with brown sugar

enough for
more than two
so I'm here
maybe the left overs
will be gone

enough is stuck
on me

Chag Urim Sameach
Have a wonderful Chanukah
and don't eat like I just did

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