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Tuesday, December 21, 2004

continued again from Sunday's class

eventually this will get finished

We're still in T'hilim, and I haven't found my rhythm.
"Derech eretz kadem l'Torah"
Proper behavior is the prerequisite to Torah
"Yaakov ish tam."
Yaakov (Jacob) is a simple man
Before learning Torah, one must learn morals, tht's why Bereishit, Genesis, is the book of morals, sefer yashar.
Reverse discrimination to correct evil.
Psalms 33, 2
corrected when making music--I can accept that!
The kinor, the lyre Biblical stringed instrument, will have 8 notes instead of the "natural" 7. in the world to come.
7, like the days of the week, is nature
there are those who say that in the world to come, there will be 10.

In this world, the tzadikim the righteous suffer.
shiru l'shem shir chadash
sing to G-d a new song
for the next world

King David was always writing, always a "pad" in his "pocket" to take notes, add to them.
Don't be satisfied (or he wasn't satisfied) with the old, needs a new song for each new day, and the t'hilim are divided by day, week, etc.

must concentrate, understand the prayers differently each day

3 types of shofar blows, actually 2 , but since we aren't sure what the "tru'ah" is, it's done two different ways, supposed to be undulating, in waves, for this world, has the root resh eyin, same as evil

easy to be a tzadik, righteous, when everythign's easy, that's why G-d tests the righteous, by giving them great difficulties so they can show their true qualities.

I saw that last night at the wedding, how my friends grew from the pain of their son's murder, and what a role model Arlene is to the other bereaved parents. I sat with a whole bunch of friends whose children were murdered. I am nothing in comparisan, and I have to do more. I doo't want G-d to test me. She also helps those whose children died in other ways. The mother of one of my students who was killed in an army accident was there for a few minutes. She's looking better. I spent time with her talking about her son who was a special student of mine. Arlene takes the fact that it took so long for any of my kids to marry (Baruch Hashem one finally is and I have a granddaughter, bli eyin haraah) as my test. I shouldnl't need more.

4- at times of trouble, evil, the righteous stay upright. Nothing knocks them down, when I see my neighbors with all of the pain enjoying life, I feel better, because they have faith to keep them strong and know how to appreciate the good they're given instead of focusing on the bad. What happens if at 120 (dead) and we haven't yet corrected all of our faults? and not had to cope with the problems. We must thank G-d for the opportunities to prove/improve ourselves.
pain is sign of an internal problem
to show what needs to be corrected
pain is to wake us up, so we can make ourselves better

that's all for now

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