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Saturday, December 11, 2004

The movie, Ushpizin, The Guests

We just came back from seeing the hit Israeli movie, "Ushpizin." It was shown here in Shiloh, in the Talmud Torah building. I guess that means that it's no longer in the movie theatres. When it was, many religious people who normally shun, forbid movies went to see it. For some it was their first time at the movies.

The plot is about newly religious people and some unexpected guests from the husband's past. It's extremely well done. And that includes acting, editing, screenplay etc. It's also cleaner than clean.

I don't want to say more about the plot, since I hope you get to see it.

If anyone who has seen it has any comments, without giving away the story line. I'm interested in other opinions. I haven't seen any Israeli movies for years and years and don't go to the movies, especially since getting a vcr. I just can't sit so long, and even tonight was physically uncomfortable.


  1. Definitely, and I don't get royalties!

  2. I agree with you completely. Janet and I saw it in Kochav Hashachar, with coffee/tea and cake provided by our youth, and it was a wonderful experience. For those of you who have ever hung out with Breslov baalei teshuva, especially Sefardi ones found in the area of a shuk or the Sefardi shtiblach of Bucharim, it rings true to life. If the plot seems to be lacking in subtlety, treat it as a Grandma Moses rather than a Rembrandt. Entirely legitimate. Secular people might not quite get it, not knowing that such people exist. But they do. Enjoy. Don't miss it. It's more fun to see it with your friends than to wait for the DVD.


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