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Wednesday, December 15, 2004


I wonder if I really saved anyone
sort of like that show
with the newspaper
horror and tragedy
in the headlines
and the hero
changes history before it happens

ridiculous, but

the other night
we took the late bus
driver pulled the bus to load, late
he went out
locked the bus and
returned a couple of minutes later

he was tired
long exhausting routes
and no time to rest

I was nervous
seemed to me
as we traveled
head nodding,
eyes closing

heat was on high
almost all asleep
not I

I was scared
big heavy
armored bus
careening---G-d forbid

to get hubby up
to suggest
turn off heat
but he slept

at Ofra
a neighbor got on
told him my concern

he sat by the driver
got him to turn off the heat
kept talking to him
got him a cup of coffee
from the guards at the gate

thank G-d
no report of bus accident
on the morning news

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