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Sunday, January 02, 2005

now, finally to Kohelet, Ecclesiastes

Kohelet 4, 7
all the problems, tachat hashemesh, under the sun
tired of living, tired of suffering, working for others,
8 why work hard, when there's no one to inherit? What's the point when nobody, even one's kids, appreciate all your labors and suffering? No one's dependent and still he works hard. Solomon saw his father's life and so much waste. Solomon's brothers rebelled against David and did forbidden things. Bad priorities. Solomon, as the youngest (?) was traumatized from all his older brothers did. He, like his father, wasn't accepted by the brothers. So they had similar childhoods in that sense.
The yesh echad, "there's one" the one is G-d. It can be seen in a larger context as people sinning against G-d, so why has G-d done so much for us?
Like today, G-d helped us liberate our Biblical Homeland in 1967, and we (as a nation, not individuals) have not appreciated it, accepted it. Too many Israelis and Jews prefer being victims, more comfortable being murdered in the holocaust, than building a full nation/state. They're trying to postpone the Geula/Redemption, so why does G-d bother?
I use Artscroll translation with lots of commentary, and while reading the commentary, mostly from Rashi, I saw something else. V'ain kaitz l'chol amlo, "Yet there is no end to his toil," according to Rashi's alternative interperation, there's no one to recieve the scholar's knowledge. This reminds me of the chareidim, how they keep their knowledge in the ivory tower of the beit medrash, talmudic study halls, instead of using their knowledge in the real world, the market place. Instead of applying their knowledge, "six days shall you work" as we are commanded. Judaism differs from all other religions, in that it combines kodesh and chol, the holy and the profane, the spiritual and the material/physical. The chareidim have imitated other religions by isolating the spiritual, the Torah scholar and even the Jew of ordinary intelligence, and claiming that they must "labor" in the study hall, consider that a profession, forbid them to enter the army and fulfill the mitzvot of defending Jews and the land.
What's the point of learning Torah Laws of business, if you don't use it in business? Our Laws are meant to be used, obeyed, daily. It's hevel, vanities to learn and then hide and leave the real world to the ignorant.
9, 10, 11 (remember that verse and chapter divisions aren't from the Jewish scholars)
12 Unity, more than one, working together, keeping each other warm, best
Yarn, thread, rope braided, at least three-ply, much stronger than singles. same with people. Also chazaka considered as doing something three times, to establish strong precedent that can be continued. More power.
13, go back to 4 as reference,
"Better a poor but wise youth, than an old foolish king," and so I must link the arutz 7 piece about the thousands of kids in gush katif this Shabbat. http://www.israelnn.com/news.php3?id=74502 If the link doesn't work, then go into arutz 7, via google if necessary, and then search arutz 7 for "gush katif youth"
There is a vast differnce in the economic status between the pro-settlement and anti. Money does not mean wisdom, and in our situation age doesn't bring it either. those too tired, should resign.
King Solomon said it all. The old, senile King has lost it and counts on his opposition to collapse, but he's wrong; they get stronger, b'ezrat Hashem. then comes the poor, wise boy who gets the people together and rebels against the senile king.
and there's another factor that somehow ruling itself causes a good man to become a despot.
14-5-6 We saw that with Menachem Begin, who as prime minister left his principles and tried to please people who hated him, instead of those who supported him through his most difficult days. "b'malchuto nolad rash" in his kingship he became poor, couldn't overcome the damage of the days of poverty, tried to prove to his enemies that he was really one fo them. Begin was too sensitive to all the decades of slights and tried to show himself a "peace-maker." That was his downfall and we're still suffering for his fatal mistake. He gave the Sinai away, even though it was a gift from G-d. That precedent and the destruction of the Jewish communities there have to be properly attoned for.
15 and the next generation takes over, like Solomon from David, and no'ar g'vahot, the hilltop youth, from Gush Emunim.
16 same, not the solution, power corrupts, a cycle of new blood, new leaders, must wipe out the corrupt. just putting out fires, not the permanent leaders,
17 Watch where you're going. It's a mine field when in power. One must remember G-d every minute to lead properly. Stop, dress, act properly in the place where
G-d is, which is every where.
Must find better solutions.
Shmuel alef, first Samuel 8? different chapter can't find it--if anyone can, please give info in comment, thanks, 22
When Shmuel told Shaul, Saul, that he'd be punished for what he had done, shouldn't think that it's easy. G-d doesn't want a fancy sacrifice for sins. One has to make up for the sin, which Shaul never understood.

to be continued after next session, this Tuesday

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