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Sunday, January 23, 2005

when just a little=all you can

I once read an article about fundraising, that said that statistics show that when a schnorer letter asks one to "just give as much as you can" the returns are better than if the prospective donor sees set sums.

People who advise others on how to help people stress that it's sometimes the very small things that make the difference. Once shouldn't think that only the major help counts. Recently I read in a few places that it's better to give small amounts of tzedaka (charity) to many than all to one.

Helping others takes many forms. It's no secret that I "tremp," hitchhike to and from work. There's no "proper" transportation between Shiloh and Beit El. Sometimes a few seconds can be the difference between a ride and waiting out in the rain, cold, strong sun, aching back for much longer than anyone, especially me would want. Just tonight, as I was walking from the yeshiva to the "stop," a car stopped and offered me a lift. They were off to a much further Beit El neighborhood. It would only take me about three minutes to walk, but with this feeling that "every second counts," I accepted their kind offer, and a second after getting out, there was a ride to Ofra, that I would have missed, if I hadn't had that short ride.

So, the lesson to all of us is to just do anything, no matter how small, for others.

I need to learn it, no less than anyone else.

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