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Thursday, February 24, 2005


There's a real international blogging community, and not everyone's respectful of us. Willow Green reported that IMAO reported that people are actually insulting bloggers . Of all the nerve! As a good blogger I have to answer a few questions.

1. Who the hell do you think you are?

I don't think, I know who I am.
2. So, other than blogging, what's your job? Do you work at some fast food joint, dumbass?

I'm a high school English teacher, wife, mother and grandmother and don't use such language.
3. Do you have like any experience in journalism, idiot?

Actually, yes. A university degree in it and a lightweight free lance career.
4. Do you even read newspapers?

Yes, I was raised reading the NY TIMES.
5. Do you watch any other news than FOX News propaganda, you ignorant fool?

No FOX, nor CNN.
6. I bet you're some moron talk radio listener too, huh?

7. So, do you get a fax from the GOP each day for what to say, you @#$% Republican parrot?

No fax
8. Why do you and your blogger friends want to silence and fire everyone who disagrees with you, fascist?

Are you projecting?
9. Are you completely ignorant of other countries, or do you actually own a passport?

I've lived in three countries and have two passports.
10. Have you even been to another country, you dumb hick?

Read previous reply.
11. If you're so keen on the war, why haven't you signed up, chickenhawk?

War, what war? Why should I know what's going on in your small narrow neighborhood?
12. Do you have any idea of the horrors of war? Have you ever reached into a pile of goo that was your best friend's face?

I was run over by a terrorist.
13. Have you ever reached into any pile of goo?

As a mother of five...
14. Once again, who the hell do you think you are?!

I know who I am. Who are you?

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