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Tuesday, February 22, 2005

finally, last week's Kohelet, ecclesiastes

l'ilu'i Rabbi Efrayim Wolf, on his first yartzeit

just some notes
  • keep texts handy to check
  • for mail jewish readers, I go the info/source where it's permitted to taste something kosher that tastes like traife. Nissan said that it's from: Chulin 29, page 2; I'll write the info to mj when I have a chance.

We're in Kohelet chapter 6, and I have only 10 minutes

3- Some people are worse off than the stillborn, those conceived and never lived outside the womb.

It's like the story of the man who has a dream of treasure a distance away at the foot the bridge. He runs there, starts digging and meets a man who tells him that the treasrue is in a different town in the house of _, and it's the man's own, so he runs back home and finds that the treasure was there all the time. Jews trying out other religions should look for the treasure in our own.

4, 5, 6 We must learn to enjoy and treasure what we have. Even a stillborn has eternal life in the next world. He never sinned. WE must try to do what we're supposed to do, or we fail.

7- What's quality of life? Enjoying what G-d gives us. We must enjoy every minute. Everything we do should be for our needs. When we earn more than we need, we must do something good with it, or it's lost. Your nefesh soul won't feel satisfied. No matter how many mitzvot you do, there's room for more.

I had better get moving.

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