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Friday, February 04, 2005

finishing Kohelet before Shabbat and loose ends

Just a quick summary about what we learned in Kohelet, Ecclesiastes.
Process is more important than the goal, and the Pirkei Avot, Ethics of the Fathers "One who is rich is satisfied with what he has."
We must enjoy the process, life and not keep thinking of the future , the goal. It's like chasing the horizon; you can't catch it. It always is in front of you. So if you don't enjoy your experiences and views on the way, you have nothing for your labors. Only looking far in the distance puts darkness in your present, depression. We must find joy in the everyday life. Don't just think of the food your cooking, enjoy cooking and the odors, textures etc.
It refers to earlier p'sookim, lines, in chapers 2 &3.
The purpose of life is to work, not to achieve more.

Almost Shabbat, and my "baby" polished the silver candlesticks, which were so tarnished that they looked gold. He had a few days off from the army. In just over a month, he should be released after three years. And my older son is returning home from his travels, G-d willing in a month. Baruch Hashem.

A new guest, new neighbor for Shabbat morning and the shiur nashim, women's weekly Shabbat class here. It has been going on for over 23 years, every week a different home.

Shabbat Shalom to all

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