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Wednesday, February 16, 2005

It happens to me, too

I have to admit, that even though I'm the type who's "never late" and "never misses the bus," today I really goofed. I got involved choosing disks for pictures from the digital and didn't keep track of time at all. So when I finished I realized that it was late. I went up to see if the bus was late, too, but it wasn't or I just didn't notice anyone familiar. So I left the bus station and had to wait for a bus to French Hill, and wait, and finally got there. But I must admit, that I was very calm about it. I kept insisting that there must be a reason, and "it'll be ok." I saw an old friend on the bus, which was nice.

And then I waited a bit at French Hill. At least it's an hour when I don't feel like I'm the only one over 40. (and I'm older than that!) After a short time a car came, familiar driver, from Shvut who has given me rides before,and we always talk. There were some people ahead of me, but when he noticed me he told me to get in the front. Of course some young woman started complaining that she was first. I told her that he owns the car. Sometimes one wins and sometimes one loses at these things, and I've had both. A very pleasant ride home. Thank G-d.

Well I survived missing a bus-due-to-my-own-stupidity, and it wasn't all that painful, and it wasn't tragic, and I had a lovely trip home, even spoke to a neighbor who was also waiting. We never meet.

This should make me nicer when other people foul up.

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