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Thursday, February 10, 2005

part 2 8-2 T'hilim, Kohelet

Back to the Garden of Eden....
when Adam made the first "fence" around a law.
G-d had told him not to eat of the fruit, but he told Chava (Eve) not to touch the tree.

We must know the difference between what's written in the Torah and what the rabbis decreed.

34, 16-7 G-d's "body parts" have different meanings. When panim face is mentioned, it means that G-d is angry. Read through until 20, pretty clear. Sort of, though lots of pronouns, so you have to read carefully.
20- The tzadikim, righteous suffer. When a person tries his best, then G-d raises the standards.. Like in education, when classes are divided by levels, the higher levels get more demanding and more work.
According to how much a person fears G-d, he will do better. The Tzaddik thanks G-d for the reminders. We have no idea of how much ko'ach strength we have until we're tested. And just because we may fail one test, doesn't mean we've completely lost. We may not know what a tzaddik is. There are many levels.

18, skipped until now, read again, try to figure out who the "they" are. Whom did G-d save? The evil or the tzaddikim? or, they started as evil then repented and called out to G-d and then became the tzaddikim Like Yehuda, and remember that David and the Moshiach are from Yehuda. The new tzaddik.
Shivron lev the fragility of the newly repented, always asking G-d to keep them strong. Someone who never sins, has never sinned, can be over-confident, naive and find themselves in trouble, but the chozer b'tshuva is more aware and wary.

G-d has to train us to pray, by giving us problems so we'll look to G-d. Reminds me of what I've been saying for a long time about all the yeshuvim established in memory of victims of Arab Terror. Maybe if we had established the yeshuvim earlier, the person wouldn't have died.

Someone who's too self confident doesn't pay attention to others and misses signals. and considers himself superior.

That's as far as we got in T'hilim, later for Kohelet.

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