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Monday, February 28, 2005

Winners and Losers

Winners and losers. Is life like war? Some win and others lose? In my neck of the woods, Israeli freedom of thought is the big ”loser” .

In Hollywood, the Academy Awards have made blacks and tough broads the big ”winners” .

It's hard for me to comprehend when enthusiastic dictators-in-the-making, like Tzippi Livneh refer to dangerous people, she means me, my friends and neighbors, even ”16 year old boys” ; they got his age wrong in the article.

Yesterday was one of those days, when my troubles seemed so minor as listened first to my neighbor about how her 16 year old was beaten by the police, and then I ran into ”Noam Federman's” mother in town.

When I was growing up, American Jews were always in the forefront of the Civil Rights struggle. Where are they today when we, loyal Jews in Israel, are being persecuted? Don't we have civil rights, too? Or are they waiting for us to be destroyed, and then they'll open their wallets for big memorials, like they did for the victims of the Nazi Holocaust?

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