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Tuesday, February 08, 2005


I was sure that I was going to be stuck in Jerusalem today. I even took toothbrush, paste, change of underwear, etc. This morning during the "boker limud" when Nissan was teaching us T'hilim (psalms) and Kohelet (ecclesiastes) I was distracted by the snow I saw falling outside. He sits by a large window. Then the snow stopped, but when I was walking home it started again, large heavy flakes. Usually morning and midday snow means business.

I had to go to Jerusalem. It was the anti-Dovrat rally for the Jerusalem area. Most of the staff where I teach was taking off to attend. I was thinking of trying to ask neighbors who teach if anyone was going, but then I didn't bother. The rally was in Binyanei Ha'uma, just accross from the bus station. I took a bus that got me there early, so I went to the mall in Malcha and bought a jacket I should have gotten the last time I was there. Not expensive. Hagara is 70% off, so the velvet jacket was barely ns105.

I got to the rally early. We got cupons for free hot drinks, one each. So I enjoyed my French Vanilla. Then I sat on the "window sill" and did needlepoint until they let us into the auditorium, where I continued with the needlepoint. And a took a couple of pictures. David and Toba passed and told me that they heard that there was a hasa'ah (special bus) to Shiloh at 5, pretty early since it started only an hour late, 4:30. But after a few minutes, I had heard enough and was glad to leave. It wasn't comforting to know that our union "will negotiate." Same day that Sharon is summitting with the Arabs. For what?

Hate to think I'm a cynic. I should have reported what I learned this morning. OK, sorry, not right now.

Chodesh Tov

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