This has been a very long Purim, but easier than most years. We started Thursday with the pre-Purim fast, Ta'anit Ester, that commemorates the 3 day fast from the Megilat Ester. then we heard the Megilla for the first reading. I went down to nieghbors and heard it in their house, musch more pleasant than in the shul.
On Thursday I cooked for Friday's feast and food for Shabbat for me and for my daughter to take "catering" home to Ofra.
Then Friday morning I walked down again to hear the Megilla and finished cooking. and then the kids all came, and we had a good time, and then almost everyone left. Just my baby and his gf stayed for Shabbat. and tomorrow Purim resumes with just more feasting and mishloach manot.
Chag Purim Sameach
Super work performed.