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Sunday, March 27, 2005

What Jewish text is most like a blog? Who was history's greatest blogger?

According to Soccer Dad there's a contraversery over this issue. I thought that it was clear. My comment follows:

I don't claim fame as a great blogger mavin, but if I'm not mistaken there are a few types of blogs. There's the "single-poster" and the "team-poster," and there's also the type that allows comments, and there's the type that doesn't. So if we're looking at our holy books to see what's a blog and what isn't....David and his overly gifted son Shlomo each wrote personal diary type blogs that didn't allow comments. Considering the pressures they were under, SPAM and viruses were the least of their problems. Their blogs were very personal. David stuck with one, but Shlomo was more adept at these things and had a few.But the Talmud was very different. It was one of those group efforts, with lots of posters and comments/commentators.

You've inspired me to resume posting my notes from the T'hilim Kohelet classes. If you'd only attend them with me, you'd have no doubt. King David's blog is #1 in the personal diary category! And Shlomo's history's greatest individual blogger!!

How about voting--

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