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Thursday, March 17, 2005

what a week, and it's not yet over

First, I must apologize for not including notes from my T'hilim (Psalms) and Kohelet (Ecclesiastes) classes, bli neder, I will resume it, as soon as I can. I'm just overwhelmed with good things, Baruch Hashem!

The week started with the birth of our (still nameless) second granddaughter. Baruch Hashem, it was a nice easy birth, just a bit hectic at the end, but in a good way. She was late, but picked a day when I didn't have to work; they had cancelled all classes for the pre-Purim extravaganza. The following day was a regular day off, so the young lady was very considerate. A defeat for Murphy.

Monday began with the "aliya l'kever," end of shiva, going to the grave, for our neighbor who had passed away. Then I did a quick shopping for baby clothes in the local store, where I got some gorgeous things, reasonably priced. Then I rushed to Jerusalem to visit daughter #2 and her daughter #2 in the hospital, handed over the clothes and then rushed to take Hallelie from the maon (day care center.) I had her make a "mazal tov" poster for the door on bright pink paper with lots of butterfly stickers and "scribbles." Definitely a work of art! Then the "other savta (grandmother)" relieved me...

...so I could rush home to go to a wedding. Two local kids got married in a fantastic, laibadik (joyful) wedding in our local yeshiva, music was by another Shiloh-raised guy who married the girl two doors away.

Then, on Tuesday, started as a regular Tuesday. I went to "boker limud" to learn how King David coped with his problems and the writings of his son. Yes, bli neder, soon you'll be able to read all about it.

After that, a slightly shortened Tuesday workday. Of course after working so hard to plan the 10th grade (punishment) test, I forgot that they were on a class trip. (They'll get it next week.) Finished teaching early and took a ride to Jerusalem to meet my cousin's daughter and her husband, who were here. Her first time. She's the first of her branch of the family to visit since her grandmother came about thirty years ago. We had dinner out, and then two of my kids went out together.

Yesterday, can hardly remember, oh, yes, yesterday. I didn't go swimmng, too tired, and the house needed me. So I just went to my daughter's noon-time to make her some food and help with Hallelie. And then....

And in the evening there was a "sheva brachot" (post wedding party) at a neighbor's for the young couple. A typical neighborhood gathering of people from about half a dozen countries, delicious food contributed by the attendees and a wonderful time had by all.

Yes, the week isn't yet over.

This is life in Israel, YESHA, Shiloh

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