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Thursday, April 21, 2005

major debate and misc.

There's a major debate going on, email style, about what time to have the post seder dovening of Shacharit. Our usual summer time, and now all year time, is 8am, but this year there are a few families who figure that after a long full Passover seder and heavy meal, they'll have trouble dragging themselves out of bed. So they started lobbying to begin at 8:30. We're voting to keep it at eight.

So far, we're in suspense.

The beef sliced easily this morning, and it's already in a tray that can go straight onto the "platta." I poured an entire small Purim wine into the beef while it was cooking. Softest beef I've sliced ever. Guess it's shikker. (plastered,

Now another dilemma--should the beef be served at the pre-seder meal or post-seder meal? Chicken both nights and turkey drumbsticks and beef jockeying for the two morning spots.

Yesterday, finally, after a couple of "take me!" notes to the local email list, a neighbor rescued the cornflakes, crackers and other goodies. I may look like a human garbage pail, but I'm not. She had very good plans for all the chametz, which included some cookies.

"Thank Heaven for Hungry Children!"

And if mine are hungry, I can't help. They're all so far away.

Back to work...

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