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Tuesday, April 26, 2005

matzah brei, my recipe

I must make a quick batch of matzah brei for my husband to take to work
It's the family favorite for traveling during Pesach, Passover. I'll be back with the "recipe." Please, don't expect exact measurements.

You need a large bowl; I have have a great old plastic one with a wide base, but you can manage with any. A large frying pan with cover, spatula.

This can be made either with or without milk, though you also need eggs, matzah and either margarine or oil for the frying. I'm sure it can be made in an electric frying pan. Some jam or honey and don't worry.

First crumble about 2 matzot (more or less) per person in the bowl; I use a maximum 6 or 7; relax, the pieces don't have to be small or measured. Then pour some water and then milk on the broken matzah. How much?

Uhmm, if you have a broad-based bowl, think of the liquid getting to about 1/4 or 1/3 of the way up the matza. Don't measure or obsess; if you do it won't taste right. I've never measured; I just looked at the bowl after I poured the liquid.

Then add about one egg per matzah and mix, so the eggs break. Let it sit for a bit, while you get the frying pan (this morning I had to wash it, since I had left it soaking and forgot to wash it last night.) Next put the margarine in the pan--remember if you just washed it, wipe it dry so the oil won't splatter and burn your face. When it's hot, add the mixture, cover and lower the flame.

Do something else for a few minutes, or you'll go nuts. When (like with pancakes) the exposed top seems cooked, turn it over to finish cooking, and turn off the flame. Leave it for another few minutes.

And remember, when I say lower the flame, I mean the lowest heat, or it will burn, and I hope that you have a good frying pan, the most important pan you could own.

Then serve with jam or honey, and if it's to be packed, then spread them with the sweet stuff, cut and double like sandwiches. Wrap in foil. For a healthier sweetness, slice apples, real thin and place between the two pieces of matzah brei.

and let me know how they came out

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