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Tuesday, August 30, 2005

a wasted meeting

A couple of neighbors called for a meeting, a post Disengagement discussion. I figured I'd go, instead of just communing with the keyboard, no offense.

A few people showed, and we waited and waited. Then we moved from the main part of the shul to the women's part, since they didn't want us ladies, all two of us, sitting in the main sanctuary. Fine, since I told them if we have to sit behind a mechitza so do they, since I came to participate.

Finally one of the organizers started to talk, and talk and then someone told him that it was 10:30pm and we ought to begin the discussion. Eventually we did. (To try to stay calm, I brought the hat I'm crocheting. It's better than a tranquilizer.) No one there reads my writing, since I don't send it to the local list. Most of my neighbors wouldn't read so much English.

It wasn't much of a discussion, at least for me. I didn't agree with the proposals at all. I couldn't see how they would solve anything or help us.

So I left and went to get the mail which wasn't far, though in the wrong direction from my house. The weather was nice. Then I began walking home. I ran into some neighbors and told them what they didn't miss, and we began to talk. They had gone up to my neighborhood, since it's good for walking there. I walked and talked with them. We had the meeting I had hoped to attend.

Isn't G-d wonderful!

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