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Thursday, September 22, 2005

Shiloh news from jail

No, I haven't been to jail. Two of our local kids are among the last anti-Disengagement jailbirds. One has been involved with a different sort of "engagement." He's a chattan, groom, and the wedding was just a couple of hours ago, next to the Beit Kenesset Mishkan Shiloh, Shiloh Central Tabernacle synagogue. Baruch Hashem, the chattan was allowed to attend. He has had his first day of freedom in months, and now he's a married man. Next week they lock him up again, but...

And our second prisoner, a teenage girl, who sat in the road and tried to get away from the police or soldier who tried to arrest her in Chomesh or Sanur--yes, she has a full file of "offenses." Well, she's still in jail. She doesn't recognize the government. Her mother can only sympathize with her ideals.

These kids are nothing like the "JD's" of my youth. These kids are wonderful idealists, willing to do anything for Eretz Yisrael, the Land of Israel. Why are they treated like the most dangerous criminals? Actually, they're treated worse than the most dangerous violent criminals.

No wonder that wonderful girl has no respect for the court system.


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