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Wednesday, October 26, 2005

day after

Well, it's the day after Simchat Torah, which was the last day of the 8 day Succot-Shmini Atzeret-Simchat Torah holiday and the last day of the three weeks plus Jewish Holiday Season that began with Rosh Hashannah. And, if you've never read it, it's the perfect time to read my classic Thank G-d I'm not a Washing Machine! No kidding. It's working overtime today, and I'm waiting for my son #1 to pop in and take down the succah, which is blocking some of the clothes lines.

I sort of missed part of Simchat Torah. Yesterday morning I got to shul, on time as usual, but I wasn't feeling very well, and felt worse with every minute. So, just as the blessing before the Hallel was being said, I slunk out and went home. Baruch Hashem, the shul is in our "backyard," so it took less than a minute, and I was in. I grabbed a blanket and made myself comfortable on the couch and soon conked out.

By the time my husband and our guest made it home, after the dovening, dancing and kiddush (food), I was capable of speaking. B"H, we had a female guest, so I could stay in the living room and join in on the conversation, though it was rather "peculiar" when just as she was complimenting me on the food, I was begging them to open all the windows, because I couldn't take the smell. I didn't say that made me feel like puking, but I guess it was clear.

And thank G-d, this morning I'm fine. I could even drink my coffee, which is usually the sign of health for me. If the coffee doesn't taste good, then it's a sign I'm sick or coming down with something. Yesterday, I drank tea, which was a sign of things to come.

Now, I must get to work on Havel Havelim, hint, hint! So get your links to shilohmuse at yahoo dot com


  1. Thank goodness you're feeling better.

  2. Okay, so I wrote to say that I didn't know what a "fly lady" was.
    So now I have no idea what/why/how to get our links to "shilohmuse at yahoo dot com."

    glad you're feeling better.
    Dry Bones

  3. Esther and DB, Thanks for your good wishes, I'm back in the saddle, that comfortable office chair by the computer.

    DB, the shiloh at yahoo dot com is a way of writing email addresses to make it harder for spammers.


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