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Tuesday, October 18, 2005

Succot progress

One full into the seven day Succot Holiday. We ate in our succah on our "merpeset." That's a balcony or terrace. It's on the side of the house from the door between the dining area and kitchen. It decorated it with various posters, mostly about Gush Katif, and I gave a friend some of the calendars I had been saving. She used the gorgeous pictures in her succah.

So far, only a bee or two. Once they learn the address, I'll eat inside and keep the door shut. I have a strange bee allergy. For the first 24 hours, the sting, where I was stung, doesn't look bad at all, but after 24 hours, it really blows up and gets very hot. The last time I was stung, quite a few years ago, I tried taking anti-histamines, but they had no effect. I've never heard of this type of allergic reaction.

A few male bloggers have been complaining about how exhausting this season is. Of course I won't mention their links, because I don't want to embarrass them. Now, how can this holiday compare to the Purim-Pesach holiday season? It's a minimum of a month and a half of real work, exhausting work.

First getting ready for Purim:
  • mishloach manot (food gift packages to be given out)
  • the festive meal, or meals, 2 in Shiloh and other select locations
  • costumes and decorations
  • and women also have to hear the megilla at least twice, (4 times in Shiloh and a few other select locations)

then get ready for Pesach

  • start doing inventory of food from even before Purim
  • clean and organzie the house and closets
  • search for chametz (wheat products forbidden on the holiday)
  • clean some more
  • cook for the holiday
  • launder everything before so there won't be any during the week of the holiday

Now, in all seriousness, how does this compare with the present holiday season?


  1. Haha...it's all work but all fun. Enjoy the holiday!

  2. thanks and don't forget that I"m on vacation....


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