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Sunday, November 06, 2005

Can this be real?

How are we supposed to go on as if life is normal? Who can think of food, laundry, shopping and work? What other terrible surprises await? Who cares whether it rains or storms or the sun shines?

This disengaged government is ready to sign away Mount Zion. Nobody seems to care.

The newspapers may be ignoring it, but that's their plan. They print what the government wants. I even went to Jerusalem to protest on Friday morning, before Shabbat! So I cooked less, and the laundry got wet in the rain, and my husband didn't realize that he was supposed to take it in.

But I can't be silent! Even here on me-ander, which is supposed to deal with the more mundane issues of life.

Considering how the Israeli Government has reacted to the riches of our historic Land, G-d helped us liberate in the 1967, Six Days War, it reminds me of this past week's Parshat Shavua, Torah Portion of the Week, Noach, Noah.

It tells the story of Noach, who was the most righteous in the entire world, the only one whom G-d considered worthy of saving. G-d decided to destroy everyone else in a great Flood. Noach was instructed to build a special waterproof ark and gather male-female couples from all the animals and his entire family, wife and kids, and then enter the ark, to be sheltered from the flood.

Once the water receded, weeks later, they left the ark and went on dry land. What was Noach's first major act? He planted a vineyard, harvested the grapes, made wine and got drunk. And this guy is supposed to be a great tzaddik, righteous man?!? It's a good question.

What happened to him? Was this some sort of nervous breakdown? Did he revert to the behavior and values of the society that pre-dated the Flood, the one that was destroyed?

The post-Holocaust Jewish Nation finally established a state in 1948. Jews arrived from all over the world, and life was very difficult. In 1967, only 19 years after its establishment, the Arab world threatened it with destruction. I remember hearing the news that Egypt's Nassar declared: "We're going to push Israel into the sea." The UN removed all of its "protective troops," at the request of Egypt.

Then suddenly, the war began and was over in Six Days, like the commandment, "Six days you must work," and then instead of keeping Shabbat and treasuring the miraculous gift, the Israeli politicians began scheming to give away our precious Land to the enemy.

This summer's Disengagement was one of the most brutal acts of evicting, removing hard-working innocent Jews from their homes and farms and businesses and schools. And now it has been revealed that for years negotiations have been going on to give our precious Mt. Zion to the Catholic Church.

These Israeli politicians, like Noach, planted a vineyard of western prosperity and drunk on their riches exposed themselves and allowed their children to castrate rather than build a healthy vibrant, proud society.

Migdal Bavel, the Tower of Babel, man's attempt to join G-d in the Heavens was Noach's descendants' response to his escape to drink. And that's, unfortunately, where we are today. It looks like G-d will have to disperse us again, G-d forbid.

We must stop the government from giving Mt. Zion away to the Vatican!


  1. Anonymous6/11/05 07:15

    God Bless You, fight the good fight! www.isfsp.org/zion.html for all the details - everyone, tell a friend! Post this in discussion groups, get the word out.

  2. My mouth is hanging open. When will the insanity end?

  3. What would King David say about it?

  4. Thanks for the alert. I thought this was over, but apparently it's not.


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