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Saturday, November 19, 2005

Long legs

There's something about growing up in New York, going to Radio City Music Hall and seeing the Rockettes...

My favorite type of dance was always what I'd see on TV. When I was growing up, there were all these great entertainment shows, like Dinah Shore, Perry Como, Ed Sullivan, and lots more, but the names just escaped my information-overloaded brain. The choreography was like in a good old musical, like Oklahoma! Guys & Dolls, South Pacific. I studied dance from the age of three until I was twenty. Most years "modern," some Israeli folk dancing and "movement" based on modern.

Of course the "greatest" dancers were the Rockettes, with their long legs and great kicks. This was beyond anything I could ever do, not being gifted with the right build and proportions.

I wonder if I'd enjoy seeing them now as much as I did as a young girl. And I wonder if after reading that article, I'd find myself thinking of their pain, rather than the thrill of the show.


  1. I have a couple of connections to your post. One, I know a former Rockette. ;) I saw the Rockettes many years ago -- their holiday show. It was great!

    Second, I used to know the son of famous choreographers from Broadway whose names you probably know (tho I'm sure many don't) -- Marge and Gower Champion. He's a director/producer...didn't go into dancing like his folks.


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