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Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Madonna has a point here

I disagree with shaister, who has a problem with Madonna's statement that

"It would be less controversial if I joined the Nazi Party," the singer
told the New York Daily News newspaper Monday.

Honestly, and apparently surprisingly to some, I agree with her. That's because when I first became religious, yes it's, forty years ago, the reception of the news was worse than if I had fallen in love with a goy. Yes, my relatives who intermarried were treated with more understanding than I was. It took decades for my mother to admit that she realizes there are worse things, like her friends' kids who destroyed and lost their lives to drugs.

For someone like Madonna, who may not always have the best taste, but she's no dummy, the anti-Jewish/Israel ideologies are the alternative choices to her Kabbala. Look and listen to the other celebrities.

I'd love for Israel's Penina Rosenblum and Madonna to meet up and compare notes. Both women excel in self-promotion and have evolved from "porn," (how soft or not is a matter of taste and personal judgment) to people you should respect.

Never underestimate a blond--remember to check their roots.


  1. Thank you. Will this ever appear as a cartoon?

  2. It's nice and all that that Madonna is interested in kabbalah, but with Hollywood celebs, there's always that "flavor of the month" issue - how long-term or sincere is the interest?

    It would also be a lot better if it were kabbalah that arose out of a deep interest in Jewish learning, not the kind put forth by people who want to sell "kabbalah water" and red strings.

    But, at the end of the day, it's Madonna's business, isn't it?

  3. Great post, Batya!

    And I agree with many of your pints, Elisson.

  4. The yiddeshe kup and the goyishe kup can both be filled with kosher wine, nu?

  5. Wow, Yaakov Kirschen commented. I'm impressed!

    2 things I noted.
    You talk about how your family reacted to your becoming religious.
    In contrast, I have a friend who said that his family was more upset that he became politically conservative than that he became frum. Politics in his family was more important.
    And I remember a man explaining that he told people that it didn't bother him that his children became religious Jews; given that another son had become a Baptist minister in Texas.
    As far as this Kaballah cult goes, I'm less understanding than you are. It seems that it's mostly an exercise in trying insert meaning into otherwise valueless lives. While it's certainly preferably to joining the Nazi party; I don't know how commendable it really is.

  6. David, you shouldn't forget that for many Jews, liberalism replaced Yahadut, Judaism.


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