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Saturday, December 17, 2005

Refuah Shleimah, A Full Healing, to the Victims of Terror Attacks

Have you ever wondered what has happened to those you saw on TV news reports, those injured in terror attacks?

Sometimes the most horrific looking injuries we see on TV aren't very serious, and in a short time, thank G-d, everything's healed. Though sometimes the injured spend long times in the hospital, and sometimes they are permanently disabled, or have to suffer a life-time of medical care and procedures.

Studies have shown that the "cure rate" is highest for people who have been prayed for, even if the injured or sick does not believe in G-d and has no idea that his or her name is mentioned in prayers. The Jewish tradition is to call the person by his/her Jewish name ben/bat (son of/daughter of) the mother's Jewish name. If there's no Jewish name, then whatever name the person is known by. The person is identified by the mother, because a mother's prayer-power is the strongest.

One of my neighbors has taken on the very important task of keeping track, checking the progress of all of those injured these past few years. The list can be found here. She updates it regularly.

There are many people, some injured in terrorist attacks years ago, who still need our prayers.

It costs nothing to pray.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for your carnival submission! You've been linked from The Carnival of Healing: Heart and Memories


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