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Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Time for a Smile

Get yourself ready for Chanukah; enjoy this! And afterwards make your to-do list. Besides gifts, which the stores keep reminding you of, remember to check that there are enough chanukiyot, Chanukah menorahs, candles, oil, wicks or whatever you use. We learned the hard way, that the cheap "lighting olive oil" is junk. Also we found that the frugal way of putting water on the bottom of the glass, sometimes causes the glass to explode.

If you'll be frying, then check the cooking oil. Buy in advance. Maybe I'll put up my recipe for super-simple and almost healthy sufganiyot! Just not today, sorry.


  1. That was a cute video. Happy Hanukkah!

  2. what is sufganiyot?

  3. Sorry, I really should have explained what they are. and just to make up for it, I'll post the recipe. they are "jelly doughnuts;" though the version I make is a little different.


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