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Saturday, January 07, 2006

Back to regular programming

We seem to be back to regular TV programming, at least until...the next crisis, or there's a funeral to announce, or something like that.

Since Prime Minister, Arik Sharon's massive stroke, barely three days ago, the TV has had only one show. It's a medical show, with a bit of political guesswork and fantasizing.

Panels of experts continue to share their opinions of possible medical mistakes, and educated guesses of Sharon's survival chances and "quality" of life.

And the political spinners are having a blast, like little kids at a Chanukah party pretending to be dreidels.

I was expecting to record the "Simpsons," but it wasn't on. They started the programs late and must have figured that it would be just too outrageous, so I guess I'll turn on the dvd and see the third "Star Wars" movie. I just bought the first three made and after seeing the second, I realized that I had never seen the third.

Perfectly fine time. My son went out for the evening, and when my husband returns he'll be very glad to have some time on the computer. And I'll be able to crochet the hat I've been working on for dd#3.

I'm certainly not going to wait around for Sharon to die. It's like watching for the pot to boil.

Shavua Tov!

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