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Saturday, January 21, 2006

Introducing the Kosher Cooking Carnival

I'm allowing the announcement to drop down, and will remind about the carnival in different posts.

This will be "sticky taped" for awhile, until the carnival is well-cooked, oops!

I've been bouncing, or sauteeing, this idea around for awhile, and I've decided to go for it! The monthly, bli neder*, KOSHER COOKING CARNIVAL!

Please send in your recipes, anything kosher! It certainly does not have to be "Jewish." Jews have lived all over the world, so anything can be made kosher.

Kosher separates dairy from meat and poultry into totally separate meals, meaning that they are neither cooked nor served together. Many Jews also have to custom of not putting fish and meat in the same plate together. Some foods are totally forbidden, like pork and shellfish. And some are "parve," neutral, and can be cooked and served with both meat/poultry and dairy. Kosher cooking can also be helpful to non-Jews who are looking for recipes without dairy, or without meat. Vegetables and eggs are parve and can be eaten at all meals.

I won't be surfing for recipes, so get your links to me by the third Thursday in the month, either via Conservative Cat's Carnival Form (KCC may not yet be on their list, so you'll just have to email them to me,) or send to shilohmuse at yahoo dot com

*bli neder means: if I don't keep to schedule, it's not life or death, so it's not the end of the world, ok, it's not an oath or something like that

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