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Friday, May 26, 2006

Old News, so what

It seems like the Clinton marriage is in the news again, though I don't see why it's important. All the important dirt has been sifted through in the past. What it boils down to is that she was always the brains of the outfit, and for whatever reason, she was willing to live with his "flings" and to play second fiddle.

Monica got the most publicity, but it seems like Clinton was a lot like JFK, and who knows if the Kennedy machine could have had been able to keep his secret life secret if he had lived longer. Times were different then, and the media was more cooperative.

I've never been a Clinton fan, neither hers nor his, but it always bothered me that she played the "good wife," when she obviously had more intellect. So now we see her as a very professional politician and senator in her own name. And yes, it does make me happy, though it may not be good for the politics I hold dear.

As a woman, I'm glad to see Hillary Clinton succeeding, but the "sisterhood" isn't everything.

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